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Terms of Service

They're pretty simple and in plain english for a change, in no particular order.
  1. No warranties of any kind are expressed nor implied, you use this system at your own risk.
  2. You indemnify and hold harmless: myprivacy.ca, easyDNS Technologies Inc., Private World Communications, any participating registrar, CIRA, and basically everyone remotely involved in this site; from any bad consequences of any kind whatsoever that may result in your using this.
  3. It is your responsibility to use a secure password, and to use a secure question/answer pair for password recovery.
    • You understand that having a weak password or a weak question/answer pair can lead to your myprivacy.ca account being compromised.
    • You understand that if your myprivacy.ca account is compromised, it can lead to your domain being hijacked.
    • you indemnify and hold harmless myprivacy.ca, easyDNS Technologies Inc. and all participating registrars if this happens
  4. You understand that if your registrar is not whitelisted here, you may miss email from them, including renewal or rebill notices, use at your own discretion.
  5. You understand that this is designed to reduce spam, not eliminate it, and that if some energetic or clever spammers still get spam through to you via your myprivacy.ca account, you won't yell at us.
  6. myprivacy.ca can terminate any account without notice if the address is used to send spam, UCE or participates in net.abuse of any kind.
  7. myprivacy.ca will not relay messages larger than 1meg in size.
  8. if myprivacy.ca opts to cease operations, it will use a best efforts basis to provide ample notice, hopefully not less than 60 days
  9. myprivacy.ca will not sell the email addresses to a third party, ever, period, unless somebody like Lycos or Yahoo decides to drop a couple billion in pretend internet money and buy the site outright.
  10. myprivacy.ca may seek or sell sponsorship slots in the newsletter (but it won't be anything like most of the spam crap this service will filter out for you)
  11. myprivacy.ca may elect to place banner ads or sponsorship links or icons on the website (but not those annoying big ones or that pop-up, pop-under, exit console crap)
  12. myprivacy.ca will continually add new features on an ongoing basis and will notify opted-in users of changes via the newsletter
  13. myprivacy.ca can send email to all users regarding important system issues (outages, changes, alerts, etc)
  14. these Terms and Conditions can be revised at any time.
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